How I Am Trying To Turn My Landing Page Into A Money Printer.
Jul 15, 2023
Your landing page is the face of your SaaS product.
Turns views into cash.
Informs visitors.
Gathers data.
I recently created the website for my productized service. After several iterations, it was only "okayish".
It was confusing.
Too many buzzwords.
Inconsistent capitalization.
Then I took a step back. Looked at it. And concluded that things had to change.
I did some research, watched people use my website, and got valuable feedback.
Here is how I revamped my landing page to hopefully turn it into a money printer.
Setting Goals
It almost always makes sense to set goals before starting to do anything. I tried to give my decisions and my design purpose.
I wanted to:
Increase clarity.
Increase conversion.
Give easier access to email signups.
Doing all this while still having a nice design.
Limiting confusion by informing visitors in a comprehensive way was my top priority. I had to communicate what my productized service does effectively.
Hero Section
First impressions count. This is why having a good hero section is so important. I wanted to communicate what my productized service does as simply as possible.
Changed buzzwords to informing words.
Changed the copy of the title and body text.
Changed the video to a YT video for better performance.

Feature Section
I wanted to communicate what my service had to offer at one glance. Before the revamp you had to scroll through multiple sections to get a grasp of my offering.
Now I outlined the main offer plus its benefits.
I emphasized the fact that I offer custom-designed social media templates instead of pre-made ones.

Pricing Section
Your offer is the most important thing on your website. The key is to inform in advance and help the customer make the purchase. Doing this can be really tricky. Luckily you have a lot of psychological tools at your disposal.
Psychological pricing.
Highlighting your most beneficial option.
Decreasing the amount options to limit confusion.
Using comparison to make other options more appealing.
I revamped my pricing section after these principles. Here is what I did:
Prices end in 7.
Added a more expensive unlimited plan.
Decreased the significance of contact buttons.
Added a quick link to the "vision report" for more information.
Added option to switch between service and product offers to drive more email sign-ups.
"Our Work" Section
I added a section that showcases some of my work.
I am concerned that the "Our Work" section interrupts the scroll flow since it links to a different page. This is why I added a fixed back button on the page.
Adding such a section is a great way to prove competence and persuade visitors to make the sale.

To ensure a consistent experience I did the following:
Headlines in title case.
Content in sentence case.
The same font style for the same elements.
If you confuse your customers, you lose them.
Increased clarity of copy.
Got rid of "buzzword mania".
Arranged section in a more informative way.
Pro Tip: Ask ChatGPT what it thinks the company does and then insert your copy.
Of course, this is no substitute for asking your ideal customer. But it's a great way to get some feedback fast.
Structuring your landing page in a way that makes sense is crucial to ensure a pleasant visit for your customers.
I did the following:
Moved the pricing section up.
Moved less relevant sections down (prioritized understandability over design)
Styled like a pyramid (The further you scroll the more detailed information you get).
TLDR - Actionable Advice
Set clear goals.
Focus on clarity and conversion.
Organize your landing page in a way that makes sense.
Ensure consistent typography and style of various elements.
Optimize your pricing section by using different techniques.
First impressions count - optimize your hero section.
Tell visitors what you are offering at a glance.
Showcase your work.
The End
Thank you for reading the story about how I revamped my landing page to hopefully turn it into a money printer. Feedback is appreciated.
Of course, I am not an expert on web design. Despite this, I hope that you learned something valuable. I just wanted to showcase my approach.
If you want to take a look at the newest iteration you can check my website out here.
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Thank you for reading.
Thomas from Halbritter Media
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